
Join Trade Japan Store's Discord Server
Discord invite link

If you're interested in learning Japanese, or practicing what you already know, you can use the link above to join our Discord server. The idea behind the community we're building is to leverage Japanese entertainment as a learning text and motivator to help members improve their Japanese skills. If one of your goals is to read your favorite series in its original Japanese, we want to help make that happen.

On the other hand, if you already read manga and light novels in Japanese, we want to create a space to discuss these series in greater depth (as well as discuss them in Japanese, for those who can). Discussions can also be about anime, games, topics about Japan and more.

Also, you can more easily engage with Trade Japan Store in our Discord server. If you don't feel like emailing us each time you have a new item request, you can head over to our requests channel and send us a message whenever something comes to mind. The community will also play a large role in helping shape how Trade Japan Store develops and grows.