Proxy Purchase Request
Proxy Purchase Request
*This service is currently in testing and is not fully available yet. Please do not purchase.
You can request for us to purchase an item on your behalf from multiple Japanese online stores, such as Yahoo! Japan Auctions and Mercari.
Here's how it works.
1. Prepare the links for the items you would like to purchase. One link/order equals one request.
2. Add the necessary amount of Requests to your cart for the number of links you have.
3. Before checking out, view your cart and enter the following information in the "Order special instructions" box.
Link to the item
Quantity (if purchasing more than 1 of the same item)
Highest bid amount (if listing is an auction)
Example: [Qty: 3 Bid: 5000 Link: item URL] or just the item URL
Please keep in mind the following rules when checking out:
-Currency must be set to Japanese yen.
-Payment must be made with a Trade Japan Store gift card.